Category: Money and Legal

Money and Legal

Financial stress can have a detrimental impact on seniors’ health, making it vital to establish a secure financial foundation during retirement. That’s why we’re here to provide and help you understand different financing options, including home equity loans, reverse mortgages, and other forms of finance, and guide you in making the best decisions for your […]

Wealth Management

Wealth management refers to a comprehensive approach to managing an individual’s financial affairs and assets to help them achieve their financial goals. It involves a combination of financial planning, investment management, tax planning, estate planning, and other financial services to optimize wealth growth and protection. The practice of organizing and managing a person’s assets and […]

Debt Management

can soon grow. Due to this, it might be challenging for you to make even the minimal monthly payments, which would push you farther and farther behind. You can start getting ominous letters and phone calls from debt collection companies. All of this might result in a situation that is incredibly stressful and has an […]

Financing Options for Seniors in buying a Home

Everyone’s day-to-day existence revolves around their home, and seniors are no exception.  There are many options for you to consider, whether you want to purchase a new house, downsize your living space, relocate to a retirement community, or withdraw equity from your current property. Seniors have access to several financing options when buying a home. […]

Financial Assistance for Seniors in North and South Carolina

State Property Tax Assistance Benefit: North Carolina has many programs that provide you with tax relief. Benefits can include property tax exemptions and/or deferrals.  Who can apply: Each property tax relief program has its own program guidelines. Some of the rules include age, income, resources, and veteran’s status. Benefit: LIEAP provides your household with a […]

Legal Assistance for Seniors in North Carolina

The Senior Law Project helps with: Financial Help & Government Programs for Seniors (INTRO PAGE) What they say about aging — it’s not for sissies — remains incontrovertibly true, and we didn’t need two years of an epidemic that targeted seniors remorselessly to know that. But being courageous, determined, and resourceful in the face of […]

Senior Citizen Financial Planning

Estimates vary, but the rule of thumb is the average retiree needs about 70-80% of his/her preretirement income to sustain an accustomed lifestyle once they’ve stopped punching the proverbial clock. Depending on your commitment to thriftiness, if you earned $50,000 a year while working, you should be comfortable on somewhere between $35,000-$40,000. These, again, are […]